On this day, December 6th eve, every year, Krampus Claus is coming to a town near yours. So you better watch out.
Or as the song has it:
"You better watch out
You better not cry
You better not pout
I'm telling you why
Krampus Claus is coming to town."
Okay, there is no guy called that. I gave Krampus a last name because I wanted to. I write this nonsense, so I can do as I please.
Anyway, Krampus is a real make believe guy. As real as Santa Claus anyway. And he even has a day (okay, a night) named for him. It's called Krampusnacht. For those of you who failed German class in high school, that translates to Krampus Night.
That's the night this half-goat, half-demon sneaks into town and beats children to a pulp if he determines they have been bad. Or not good, I guess. Or if they cry or pout. He also seems to lick their head and clean the wax from their ears with his fingers, according to the picture below. And he does this while in chains, so he's pretty competent.
I'll take the beating, thank you. But that's just me.
What all this tells us is that if the worst thing that happens to you is that you find coal in your stocking or don't get that new I-Phone you have been wanting, just count yourself lucky.
One other thing, I'm pretty sure that if you don't live in Europe somewhere, this doesn't apply to you.
Happy holidays.
We have a new winner of the coveted "15 Seconds of Fame Award."
It's Matthew Latourette, who gave me the idea to write this post. He recently was mentioned in the Chicago Tribune by name as well, so he's on a roll. Congrats!
Okay, your time is up.
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